Monday, June 26, 2006
C'est si bon - Barbra Streisand 1:41 AM

quality="high" width="320" height="256" name="movie" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">

C'est si bon,
De partir n'im porte ou,
Bras desus bras dessous,
En chantant des chansons,

C'est si bon,
De se dir' desmots doux,
Des petite rien du tout,
Mais qui en dissent long.

C'est si bon,
Lovers say that in France,
When they thrill to romance,
It means that itt's so good.

C'est si bon,
So I say it to you,
Like the French people do,
Because it's oh, so good.

Every word, every sigh,
Every kiss, dear,
Leads to only one thought,
And it's this, dear,
Nothing else can replace,
Just your slightest embrace,
And if you only would be my own,
For the rest of my days,
I will whisper this phrase,
My darling, c'est si bon!

CB. Presents
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Chubby Bunny is the shy one who loves music, movies, funny games , now he is temporary single !! Sure, he is cute but he felt that nobody found him. Please enhjoy his blog , studying him quitely , careful , you might fall in love with this shy chubby bunny !

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