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  • credits
    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Wednesday, June 28, 2006
    Love's in need of love today 12:41 AM

    Stevie Wonder & Take 6

    powered by ODEO
    Beverly Knight

    powered by ODEO
    Mary J. Blige

    powered by ODEO

    Good morning or evening friends
    Here's your friendly announcer
    I have serious news to pass on to every-body
    What I'm about to say
    Could mean the world's disaster
    Could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain

    It's that
    Love's in need of love today
    Don't delay
    Send yours in right away
    Hate's goin' round
    Breaking many hearts
    Stop it please
    Before it's gone too far

    The force of evil plans
    To make you its possession
    And it will if we let it
    Destroy ev-er-y-body
    We all must take
    Precautionary measures
    If love and please you treasure
    Then you'll hear me when I say

    Oh that
    Love's in need of love today
    love's in need of love today
    Don't delay
    don't delay
    Send yours in right away
    right a-way
    Hate's goin' round
    hate's goin' round
    Breaking many hearts
    break-ing hearts
    Stop it please
    stop it please
    Before it's gone too far
    gone too far

    People you know that
    Love's in need of love today
    love's in need of love today
    Don't delay
    don't de-lay

    Send yours in right away
    right a-way
    You know that hate's
    Hate's goin' round
    goin' round
    Breaking many hearts
    break-ing hearts
    Stop stop it please
    Before it's gone too far
    gone too far

    It's up to you cause
    Love's in need of love today
    love's in need of love today
    Don't delay
    don't de-lay
    Send yours in right away
    right a-way
    You know that hate's
    Hate's goin' round
    goin' round
    Breaking-hate's tried to break my heart many times
    break-ing hearts
    Don't-you've got to stop it please
    stop it please
    Before before before
    gone too far

    Love's in need of love love today
    love's in need of love today
    Don't delay
    don't de-lay
    Send yours in right away
    right a-way
    You know that hate's going around
    hate's goin'
    Hate's going around hate's going around
    round break-
    And it tried to break up many hearts
    ing hearts Stop
    You've got to I've got to They've got to
    it please
    We've got to They've got to We've got to
    Stop it before it's gone too far
    too far
    Love's love's in need of love
    love's in need of love
    Did you ever think that love would be in need of love today
    to-day don't
    Don't delay
    Send yours right away
    right a-way

    Hate's hate's
    hate's goin' round
    Bring it down a little love is very peaceful
    So bring it down a little
    stop it please
    gone too far
    love's in need
    of love today
    don't delay
    right away awaaaay
    love's in need
    of love today
    don't delay
    right away awaaaay
    hate's goin round
    breaking hearts
    Well, please stop it
    Um L-O-V-E love Oh, L-O-V-E lo---------ve
    love's in need
    of love today
    don't delay
    right away
    Just give the world LOVE.

    CB. Presents
    Song In Mp3 formats / Movies Recommendations/ Menu / Books And His Diaries.

    All About Bunny
    Chubby Bunny is the shy one who loves music, movies, funny games , now he is temporary single !! Sure, he is cute but he felt that nobody found him. Please enhjoy his blog , studying him quitely , careful , you might fall in love with this shy chubby bunny !

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