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    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Saturday, April 29, 2006
    Vogue : Madonna 4:59 AM

    Strike a pose
    Strike a pose
    Vogue, vogue, vogue
    Vogue, vogue, vogue

    Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
    It's everywhere that you go [look around]
    You try everything you can to escape
    The pain of life that you know [life that you know]

    When all else fails and you long to be
    Something better than you are today
    I know a place where you can get away
    It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so


    Come on, vogue
    Let your body move to the music [move to the music]
    Hey, hey, hey
    Come on, vogue
    Let your body go with the flow [go with the flow]
    You know you can do it

    All you need is your own imagination
    So use it that's what it's for [that's what it's for]
    Go inside, for your finest inspiration
    Your dreams will open the door [open up the door]

    It makes no difference if you're black or white
    If you're a boy or a girl
    If the music's pumping it will give you new life
    You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it

    (chorus, substituting "groove" for "move")

    Beauty's where you find it
    Not just where you bump and grind it
    Soul is in the musical
    That's where I feel so beautiful
    Magical, life's a ball
    So get up on the dance floor


    Vogue, [Vogue]
    Beauty's where you find it [move to the music]
    Vogue, [Vogue]
    Beauty's where you find it [go with the flow]

    Greta Garbo, and Monroe
    Deitrich and DiMaggio
    Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
    On the cover of a magazine

    Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean
    Picture of a beauty queen
    Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire
    Ginger Rogers, dance on air

    They had style, they had grace
    Rita Hayworth gave good face
    Lauren, Katherine, Lana too
    Bette Davis, we love you

    Ladies with an attitude
    Fellows that were in the mood
    Don't just stand there, let's get to it
    Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

    Vogue, vogue

    Oooh, you've got to
    Let your body move to the music
    Oooh, you've got to just
    Let your body go with the flow
    Oooh, you've got to

    Madonna Vogue from Blond Ambition Rehearsal - 1990


    Vogue - Blond Ambition Tour
    - Nice - France - August 5 1990
    - The Blond Ambition World Tour opens in Makuhari, Japan. In August, the tour ends in Nice, France

    Performance of Vogue by Madonna, live at the 2004 Re-Invention world tour. Taken from the documentary "I'm going to tell you a secret".

    VOGUE - Live - 1993
    - The Girlie Show - Live Down Under - Sydney - Australia
    - The world tour opens in London in September 1993. In November, HBO airs Madonna Live: The Girlie Show from Sydney, Australia and in December, the tour ends in Tokyo

    CB. Presents
    Song In Mp3 formats / Movies Recommendations/ Menu / Books And His Diaries.

    All About Bunny
    Chubby Bunny is the shy one who loves music, movies, funny games , now he is temporary single !! Sure, he is cute but he felt that nobody found him. Please enhjoy his blog , studying him quitely , careful , you might fall in love with this shy chubby bunny !

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