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    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Sunday, April 30, 2006
    sorry seems to be the hardest word : Mary J. Blige 2:43 AM

    Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
    Music by Elton John
    Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
    Available on the album Blue Moves

    What have I got to do to make you love me
    What have I got to do to make you care
    What do I do when lightning strikes me
    And I wake to find that you're not there

    What do I do to make you want me
    What have I got to do to be heard
    What do I say when it's all over
    And sorry seems to be the hardest word

    It's sad, so sad
    It's a sad, sad situation
    And it's getting more and more absurd
    It's sad, so sad
    Why can't we talk it over
    Oh it seems to me
    That sorry seems to be the hardest word

    What do I do to make you love me
    What have I got to do to be heard
    What do I do when lightning strikes me
    What have I got to do
    What have I got to do
    When sorry seems to be the hardest word

    Fantasia Barrino - Sorry seems to be the hardest word

    Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - John Elton n Blue

    CB. Presents
    Song In Mp3 formats / Movies Recommendations/ Menu / Books And His Diaries.

    All About Bunny
    Chubby Bunny is the shy one who loves music, movies, funny games , now he is temporary single !! Sure, he is cute but he felt that nobody found him. Please enhjoy his blog , studying him quitely , careful , you might fall in love with this shy chubby bunny !

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